
The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly ( Video themed on by Zhou Daxin - prize winning Novel)

The Sky Gets Darker Slowly The video begins with a serene shot of the sun setting over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the beach. The sound of waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing backdrop as the camera pans to reveal a figure standing alone on the sand, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean. As the figure turns to face the camera, it becomes clear that it is my dear family friend, their expression a mix of contemplation and acceptance. The scene transitions to a series of poignant moments, capturing the beauty of life's fleeting moments and the inevitability of death. Interspersed with footage of blooming flowers and fading sunsets, the video conveys a sense of both hope and melancholy. The soundtrack, a haunting melody composed specifically for this project, adds an emotional depth to the visuals. In the final moments of the video, my family friend is shown releasing a paper lantern into the night sky, a symbol of letting go and embracing the unkno

New Seven Wonders of the World

As a child growing up in the 1950s, I came across an article about the "Seven Wonders of the World." Back then, this list held great significance, as digital technology was still unheard of and unknown. However, in today's digital age, this subject may not align with the wonders we have achieved, such as landing on the moon and exploring the depths of the universe. Nevertheless, the importance of documenting history through writing cannot be undermined. When I first read about the Taj Mahal, I made a personal commitment to myself that one day, as an educated individual with a university degree and a successful career, I would travel the world. And so, when I finally had the means to finance my own journey, I embarked on a solo trip, visiting the Taj Mahal and capturing its beauty through analogue photography. It is said that what we read during our formative years leaves a lasting impression on our minds, and this experience certainly did. Hence, this blog post serves as

Facts At the Depth Of the Seas

Wonders of unseen Facts about the deep Seas The  Deep Sea . At 332 meters, this is the  deepest  any human has ever scuba dived. Set by Ahmed Gabr in 2014. No sunlight is able to reach this  deep . 15 Mind-Blowing  Deep Sea Facts – The Ocean Is Deeper Than Mount Everest. ... – Only 3 People Have Visited The Depths Of The Challenger  Deep . ... – The Average Depth Of The Ocean Is Around 14000 Feet. ... – We Have Better Maps Of Mars Than We Do Of The Ocean Floor. ... – Many Organisms Produce Their Own Light, Called Bio-luminescence.                                                                               continue in following post courtesy :  to the creators of the videos